Are you READY to reach your full potential as a female doctor in academia AND

Create a career and life you love on your own terms?


You’ve Invested A Lot In Your Career…

Yet Satisfaction Seems Distant

You've spent years training to become a doctor, enduring long nights, stressful exams, and countless sacrifices, all for the dream of a fulfilling career in academia. But, now, even though training is behind you, the sacrifices seem to continue without end. The balance between a demanding career and personal life feels just out of reach, leaving you wondering, "When does it get better?"You Are Not Alone in This Journey

You’re So Busy You Haven’t Considered that Your Career & Life in Academia Doesn't Have to Be This Way.

The Beyond Burnout Group Coaching Program is for women in academia who...

1.Are busy juggling everything and crave more balance between their work and personal lives.
2.Want to advance their careers in a way that is authentic to who they are and what truly matters to them.
3.Struggle with a harsh inner critic that stands in the way of their goals.
4.Desire to show up in their lives and workplace with more confidence.
5.Are overwhelmed or burnout from the sheer amount of tasks and commitments they have to keep up with at work and home.
6.Feel stuck in their academic careers and don't know what they want or how to get to their next level.
7.Wonder if it's even possible to have a successful academic career without burning out.

Just Because The System Is Broken Doesn't Mean You Have To Let It Break You.

Working with Martha has been a transformative experience. Her timely guidance, support and unwavering belief in my potential has empowered me to leap into the unknown. With her personalized approach and genuine commitment, I was able to gain clarity, confidence and a renewed sense of purpose. I am grateful for her expertise and encouragement on this journey of self discovery and development.

~MD, • Academic Hematologist

If trying to build a successful career in academia leaves you feeling like you have…

Too much to figure out.
Nowhere to turn for help.
Too little time to spare.

Then I’ve got great news!…

Beyond Burnout Group Coaching Program

Founded by Dr. Martha Kenney

You’re called to start. I’m called to help.

I am a physician scientist, mom, wife, a certified professional life and career coach AND a certified behavioral design consultant.Like so many busy women in academia, I juggle several demanding roles. And, not surprisingly, I got burnout as a first year faculty in 2018 and nearly left medicine. But, through the power of coaching and tapping into my own strengths, I developed an evidence based approach to career advancement and work-life balance called the VHS Blueprint, (Values, Habits, Systems Blueprint) that has helped me and dozens of other women in medicine reignite our passion for medicine, overcome burnout, and regain the balance we want in our lives and career.Using my expertise as a coach, consultant, and my personal experience of building a research program - that is now funded by NIH - while carrying a full clinical load, I have designed a unique and comprehensive program that will guide you through the transformation that you are looking for.You're likely overwhelmed by all your commitments have no time to think about how to make your situation better, and nowhere to turn for help…until now!And by the end of this program, you will have the tools to make the system work FOR you and not against you and create your path to success in academia.You’re NOT alone, because: You’re called to start. I’m called to help.BIO
Dr. Martha Kenney is a board-certified pediatrician and pediatric anesthesiologist who completed undergraduate education at Brown University followed by medical school, residency, and fellowship training at Johns Hopkins University. She is currently an assistant professor at Duke University where she leads the Pain Equity and Disparities Lab. Her research is focused on pain in people living with sickle cell disease and marginalized communities, and her program is supported by a 5-year K award from the National Institutes of Health. She holds several national leadership positions with organizations such as US Association for the Study of Pain, the Journal of Pain, and the National Pain Advocacy Center. Outside of research and clinical work, Dr. Kenney is a certified professional life and career coach and a certified behavioral design consultant with a deep-seated passion & experience tackling burnout prevention, time management and career development amongst early career professional women. She is a highly sought after coach, keynote speaker and workshop facilitator.

My coaching experience with Martha was phenomenal. It was eye opening. Martha gradually helped me to see my real strengths and interest. It was amazing how through her coaching I came to realize my source of lack of motivation and advancement in my current position. With her help I have identified the areas of advancement in my profession that will bring me the most joy and fulfillment.

~MD, • Academic Internal Medicine

A Proven Framework

Inside the Beyond Burnout Program, I give you a simple framework to:
- Gain the clarity and confidence you need to close the gap between your aspirations and reality
- A crystal-clear framework to develop your own personal career path (so transferable you can draw it on a napkin)
- Understand what success in academia LOOKS and FEELS like for YOU
- Build new, intentional habits to achieve your career goals without burning out
- Implement systems that can help you get more done in less time

And it’s all built on an evidence based framework! (called the VHS Blueprint)

There is no one size fits all WHY or HOW for success in academia. NOW is the time to discover and walk on your unique path to career success.


Comprehensive, solutions-focused curriculum designed by a certified professional coach and certified behavioral design consultant.


($15,000 value)
This is a coaching program, not a mastermind. With cohorts of 6 or less, you will get personalized coaching and learn from listening to your peers being coached. Content and feedback are tailored to your context and needs. Live calls will take place on Monday evenings.


($3,000 value)
You'll receive monthly one-on-one personal coaching sessions with Dr. Kenney. Easily schedule at a time that works for you (evenings and weekends included).


You'll join a dedicated online community exclusively for Beyond Burnout participants. Engage in direct conversations with Dr. Kenney, your peers, and access ongoing support during and after the program.


($500 value)
Dr. Kenney is also a certified behavioral design consultant via Tiny Habits® Academy. You get this private workshop for free followed by 1:1 coaching from Dr. Kenney in the 5-day Tiny Habits Program.


($500 value)
We will kick off the program with Dr. Kenney’s highly-rated "Work-Life Balance Reimagined: How to Prioritize and Excel at What Matters" workshop.


Enjoy the convenience of our private podcast to complement content of the weekly coaching calls.


($200 value)
This comprehensive toolkit or workbook has all the essential tools, strategies and resources designed to guide an lead you on your transformative journey. You will receive a hardcopy mailed to your home and an electronic copy.


Several bonuses including: (1) SWAG Box with Transformation Workbook delivered to your house (2) one year of FREE membership to the Beyond Burnout community with continued access to Dr. Kenney and coaching resources.

Here's are some of the topics that we'll cover:

  • Values and career alignment

  • How to build career & life changing habits

  • Efficient systems for better time management

  • How to prioritize when you're busy & overwhelmed

  • Transforming your inner critic to an inner champion

  • Overcoming procrastination and perfectionism

  • When to say 'no' and how to say 'no'

  • Self-coaching skills 101

beyond burnout group coaching program

Your One-Stop Solution

Church Planter Starter Kit Sample Screens


1. Become crystal clear on your values and what living a life authentic to what truly matters to you looks and feels like.
2. Gain confidence to speak and live your truth (and tackle imposter syndrome).
3. Put in place boundaries to preserve your time & energy at work and home.
4. Feel more resilient (and less stressed, overwhelmed, burnout).
5. Become better at managing your time and energy.
6. Transform your inner critic into your greatest champion.
7. Have self-coaching skills to tackle future challenges.

What are others are saying about dr. kenney...

"Dr. Kenney has such poignant insights and helps provide tangible techniques and thought exercises her audience can use to find out what and how their personal values align with the work they are doing. She helps provide a framework to develop the answers to “what really matters to me” to design the life you want to live. And if you’re not in alignment, she helps empower you to start asking the right questions."
~Johanna Richey • Assistant Professor

"Martha provides great advice and insight into aligning your work with your values. She gives practical tips to increasing productivity and making better use of the little time that we have. I feel that I have a better grasp on how to manage my time and work more efficiently toward my goals after learning about the VHS Blueprint.
~Annika Webb • Academic Physician

"Dr. Kenney really understands how to manage time, and to make her time saving strategies accessible to people are varied backgrounds. I’ve seen her in action, and her self-discipline is to be admired. She is relatable, and provides practical tips that almost anyone could benefit from learning."
~Concetta Lupa • Professor of Anesthesiology, Vice-Chair of Faculty Development

"Martha is a phenomenal presenter and panelist. She combines her own experience with thoughtful insights and is entertaining and thought provoking. Her insights and positive thinking expand the possibilities and she creates an inclusive and creative space for discussion and reflection."
~Carla Smith • Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon

"Dr. Kenney’s message of living with clarity was deeply moving and hit home. Her pragmatic approach towards understanding yourself, your values, and your purpose in life was simple yet profound. Her life and success is an embodiment of her message. I left feeling inspired and refreshed from her message!."
~Hyangshim • Commerical Banker

" The message delivered by Martha was inspiring, engaging and thought provoking. The topic was relatable and aligned with my own sentiment regarding embracing vulnerability. Often times, leaders believe they should be seen as stoic to be seen as strong and effective leaders, however there is greater strength in vulnerability !"
~Sonya Hopson • Founder & CEO

Results of coaching 90 people in the 5-Day Tiny Habits Program

"Thank you Martha!! I just wanted to let you know that this is my first time doing the 5 day program where all my habits have been so easy for me do. They have been tiny enough and prompts clear I guess and yet they have made a great impact in the quality of my week because they helped me feel more confident overall. I have ADHD I have a hard time with habits but this method is really working for me as long as I keep it really really tiny. Yay!!""This tiny habits system is working to keep me focused on small habits that can I do. I don't really have an excuse not do something small.""Thank Martha. Your support was greatly appreciated. I made good progress towards dealing with some priorities that needed to be addressed.""I just did your 5 day challenge. This is the 2nd time I have done it and I def liked your positivity and little gifs etc!"

Enroll Today and Secure Your Spot

Each cohort is limited to no more than 6 participants.
Apply today to secure your spot.

Cost Comparison

Finding access to an expert who understands the challenges of being a woman in academic medicine, is certified in both life coaching and behavioral design, and has helped other female professionals reach their life and career goals is hard to find. Hiring such a person to help you attain the balance you're looking for in academia would cost a small fortune.I created Beyond Burnout so I can help multiple women in academic medicine become more fulfilled and confident in academia at a fraction of the cost.Master the simple VHS Blueprint, delivered with live, personalized coaching and create a career that you love on your own terms.Act fast and join the founding cohort at huge discounted price!

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

This program is valued at $10,000 but for a limited time the
first 6 people who enroll will receive a 70% discount.

Beyond Burnout “Too Simple” Money-Back Guarantee

Satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If you sign up for the program, participate in good faith in every session, do all of the exercises, partnering, and ‘homework,’ and you’re not satisfied with what you get out of it, I will be happy to return your full investment.But I’m confident you will love the Beyond Burnout. That’s why I make it easy to get the help you need.